Fat Boy Fit Man
August 2012
Name: Eli Sapharti
Age: 43
Occupation: Motivational Speaker & Weight Loss Coach. Founder: FATBoy FITMan
Just over three years ago, Eli Sapharti was in the worst physical condition of his life. At 6’ tall he was 300lbs with 40% body fat. He had high blood pressure, aching joints, and was always catching a cold or the flu.
“One day I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe how fat and unhealthy I had allowed myself to get. At that moment, I knew I had to do something to change this downward spiral.”
Getting Started: “One Step at a Time”
Eli attempted many fad diets and “quick fixes” that were only short-term solutions with temporary results. He had been battling with his weight since childhood and was ready and eager to for life-long changes.
“I realized that dieting and impulsive changes in my physical activity were not going to bring me the long term results I wanted. So I decided to just make 2 small changes that I knew I could commit to for at least 1 week.”
This “One Step at a Time” approach became Eli’s road map to weight loss success. He created small goals for himself and committed to them 100% for a set amount of time.
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