
Fashlete™ of the Month

Fat Boy Fit Man

Eli Sapharti Before and After

August 2012

Name: Eli Sapharti

Motivational Speaker & Weight Loss Coach. Founder: FATBoy FITMan   

Just over three years ago, Eli Sapharti was in the worst physical condition of his life. At 6’ tall he was 300lbs with 40% body fat.  He had high blood pressure, aching joints, and was always catching a cold or the flu.

 “One day I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe how fat and unhealthy I had allowed myself to get. At that moment, I knew I had to do something to change this downward spiral.”

Getting Started: “One Step at a Time”

Eli attempted many fad diets and “quick fixes” that were only short-term solutions with temporary results.  He had been battling with his weight since childhood and was ready and eager to for life-long changes.

“I realized that dieting and impulsive changes in my physical activity were not going to bring me the long term results I wanted.  So I decided to just make 2 small changes that I knew I could commit to for at least 1 week.”

This “One Step at a Time” approach became Eli’s road map to weight loss success.  He created small goals for himself and committed to them 100% for a set amount of time.

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The Original Warrior

June 2012

Name: Vito Sztykiel

: Attorney, (Husband, Father of Four, Grandfather)
"I think putting away your childish things when you grow up is ill advised. I think you can stay a kid forever." -Vito

In honor of Father's Day we are featuring Vito - not just because he is a father (and he happens to be my father), but because just two weeks away from his 60th birthday, he is an example of the fact that the constant pursuit of athletic feats will in fact keep you young forever.  With two titanium hips and several back surgeries under his belt, he is still playing ice hockey, windsurfing on lake Michigan in the summer, and keeping up with his 4-year-old grandson around the clock.
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Faith, Action, Results

August 2011

Name: Jorge Ballerino
43 (but feels 23)
Cancer Warrior

I met Jorge in 2009 through an organization called Team in Training.  We both joined the team to prepare for our first triathlon and raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  Jorge is outgoing, charismatic, energetic, and athletic.  He is one of the first people I remember meeting on the team and we became fast friends.  His energy is infectious and anyone who was on our team would tell you the same thing: it just wouldn't have been the same without Jorge.  When we flew to DC for our first Olympic Distance Triathlon, Jorge convinced the entire team to board the plane dressed in white from head to toe because, after all... we are from Miami!!  Once you meet Jorge Ballerino, you will never forget him.

 In 2010 Jorge was diagnosed with Metastasized Stage IV Melanoma Cancer.  The survival rate for this type of cancer is 9-15%.  I still can't wrap my head around that statistic.  When Jorge called to tell me about his diagnosis I can remember thinking "This world cannot lose Jorge Ballerino."  The role Jorge played on our triathlon team is the same role that he plays in every aspect of his life: he is a leader, a care-giver, an entertainer... a strong man with a heart bigger than his biceps :)  I could not accept the fact that someone so full of life was being threatened by a deadly, unforgiving disease. Luckily, Jorge was not about to accept this fact either... and his fight began. 

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A Leader by Example

March 2011

Name: Jason Lyons
Age: 32
Occupation: Scientist/Polymer Chemist, CrossFit Coach - CrossFit King of Prussia, Bridgeport, PA

Our Fashlete of the Month was nominated by Stephanie Vincent, an athlete from CrossFit KOP in Bridgeport, PA.  
 “I am nominating Jason not so much for his own success story… but for what he inspires in his athletes.  When Jason started CF he was very out of shape and overweight and couldn't do much of anything.  I think it is that start that makes him such an amazing coach.  When one of his athletes accomplishes something or sets a PR, Jason is able to celebrate with them as if he himself had been the one succeeding. 
This email included a link to Jason’s bio that described how Jason, a self-proclaimed “work in progress”, has lost over 30lbs, decreased body fat by 14%, and has gone down pant 4 sizes and 5 belt loops.  Jason put his story out there accompanied by some pictures that he describes as “really embarrassing” all for the benefit of his clients.  All he wanted to do was show people what can be accomplished with a little hard work.

Jason has done that and more. Not just through words and photos but through his actions.

Jason holds his athletes to a high level of integrity.  He encourages them to give everything they have to the workouts...and then some more.  He convinces his athletes that they can do more than they ever thought was possible.  Anyone who has ever been coached by him, will agree.   Jason has a special knack for coaching individuals who start CrossFit with challanges like he did.  He is especially gifted with these individuals because he is able to see the potential in each and every person he coaches.   He is a reflection for their potential, until they are able to see it themselves.  Jason's humor, enthusiasm, knowledge and most of all HEART inspire so many...that is why he deserves to be the Flashlete of the month.”

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